What is Scalp Micro Pigmentation (SMP)?

Scalp micro pigmentation (SMP) is a non-surgical procedure that employs microneedles to implant spots of colour into the scalp to replicate the look of freshly shaven hair follicles. It works by making thinning or long hair look fuller or by giving the appearance of a full head of hair with a buzz cut on a totally or half-bald head. It is comparable to micro-needling, another type of cosmetic pigmentation, except that microblading utilizes a manual blade and SMP needs an electric tattoo-like instrument. While some companies promote temporary results, which fade after a few years, scalp micropigmentation is generally deemed. The amount of fading that occurs over time is determined by the person and the quality of the pigment. What are the benefits of Scalp Micro Pigmentation Treatment? People who have lost hair due to alopecia areata, age, male- and female-pattern baldness, hormonal disorders, or cancer may benefit from scalp micropigmentation therapy. It can conceal scars from a ...